Open Access BASE2017

Dependency benefits and its consideration as Social Rights. ; Las prestaciones de atención a la dependencia y su consideración como derechos sociales


Abstract:The study addresses the dependency benefits established in Spain by the Law 39/2006, of 14 December, on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in a situation of dependence and by other recent regional social services laws. Initially, we analyze how these benefits are incorporated into the Spanish legal system as a result of international external influences. Furthermore, we evaluate the nature of social rights in the Constitution, in the Constitutional Court jurisprudence, and in the state and regional legislation. ; Resumen:El estudio se refiere a las prestaciones de atención a la dependencia establecidas en España por la Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia y por las nuevas Leyes autonómicas de servicios sociales. Después de describir brevemente dichas prestaciones, se analiza el carácter de derechos sociales que pueden tener en la Constitución, en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional y en la legislación estatal y autonómica.Summary:1. Introduction. 2. Dependency benefits. 2.1 Conceptual approach. 2.2 Consideration as «social assistance» benefits. 3. Dependency benefits as social rights. 3.1 Constitution and jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. 3.2 State and autonomous legislation. 4. Conclusion. 5. Bibliographical references.Abstract:The study addresses the dependency benefits established in Spain by the Law 39/2006, of 14 December, on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in a situation of dependence and by other recent regional social services laws. Initially, we analyze how these benefits are incorporated into the Spanish legal system as a result of international external influences. Furthermore, we evaluate the nature of social rights in the Constitution, in the Constitutional Court jurisprudence, and in the state and regional legislation.

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