Open Access BASE2001

Gambaran Pendistribusian Kartu Sehat pada Program JPSBK di Wilayah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


The social and political crisis happening since July 1997 has affected the economic condition among Indonesians, as well as their health condition. In terms of health field, the government has held JPSBK or Health- Based Social Safety Net.The objective of this reseach is to learn the distribution of health cards provided for the community in Yogyakarta Special Province.This was an evaluative study using post-test only with secondary data from PIMU (Province Independent Monitoring Unit) survey in Yogyakarta in 2001. This study was conducted in 10 community health centers in Yogyakarta Province, and from those 10 community health centers, 220 re¬spondents were obtained.From the poverty criteria from BKKBN or National Family Planning Field Coordinator and village team, it was found that the criteria for family members of the poor that 99.1% of them could eat the basic food twice a day. All 95 % family members had different clothes to wear at home, in the office or school, and travelling. Fifty point nine percent family members joined family planning using health facility.Ninety-four point one percent of the family members went to health facil¬ity. Sixty one point four percent of the floor of the poor family 's houses was not clay. Fifty two point three percent of the walls of their houses were made of cement and 98.2 %. of the ceilings were made of tiles. Forty fife percents of the respondents had cattles at home.This reseach showed that the distribution of health cards in Yogyakarta has not been appropriate, as there are many holders who do not full f ill the criteria as cardholders (BKKBN poverty criteria Village Team).Krisis politik dan krisis sosial yang terjadi sejak bulan Juli 1997 telah menimbulkan dampak yang besar sekali pada kondisi ekonomi masyarakat Indo¬nesia termasuk pada kondisi kesehatannya. Khusus untuk bidang kesehatan, pemerintah melaksanakan program Jaring Pengaman Sosial Bidang Kesehatan JPSBK) .Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran pendistribusian Kartu Sehat ...

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