Open Access BASE1940

The Spotlight, Volume 6, Number 14, Thomson High School, Esko, Minnesota

In: Education


Esko sent sixty students to participate in the music contest at Barnum, including the high school band and Glee Club. The top students were named, including Valedictorian Kenneth Hallback and Salutatorian Lauren Hiukka. At the third annual FFA District Convention held at Proctor, an Eskoite was elected president and another Eskoite was elected reporter. A notice to farmers was given that the FFA boys would treat the grain and potato seed for them. Both the high school band and Glee Club participated in the Music Festival held at Two Harbors. Luther League was organized. Superintendent A. L. Winterquist editorialized about teaching democracy and the American way of life, especially in view of the enemies of democracy in Europe. The 4-H Carlton County rally was scheduled to be at Moose Lake. The 4-H Clubs and FFA had a variety show at the Lincoln School. In basketball the Thomson Alumni beat the high school team.

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