Open Access BASE1855

General index to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of [the Province of] Canada



Journals of the Legislative Assembly . 1841-1866 are "Set I-A" (Reels 1-42) of the Canadian Parliamentary proceedings and Sessional papers, 1841-1866. ; On spine Vol. 2: Includes appendices to 1860 & Sessional papers, 1860-1866 [which is Set I-C (Reels 52-64) of Canadian Parliamentary proceedings and Sessional papers, 1841-1866] ; "Reprint edition, 1972, United States Historical Documents Institute, Washington, D.C." ; [v. 1] 1841-1851.--[v. 2.] 1852-1866. ; Mode of access: Internet.




Montreal : Printed by John Lovell

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