Open Access BASE1891

Chickasaws and Choctaws; comprising the treaties of 1855 and 1866, the Oklahoma bill and many laws of especial interest to non-citizens, such as the permit law, the licensed trader law, the stock law, the mining law, the claim law, the lease law; also comprehensive chapters on the history of the Choctaws and Chickasaws, the Chickasaw government, school system, inter-tribal relations, geography of country, status of freedmen, non-citizens, disfranchised citizens, jurisdiction of U.S. court and the allotment question



No. 103 in Hargrett, Lester. A bibliography of the constitutions and laws of the American Indians. 1947 ; Compiled by Rezin W. McAdam ; On Cover: Chickasaws and Choctaws. A pamphlet of information concerning their history, treaties, government, country, laws, politics and affairs. ; Mode of access: Internet.




Ardmore, I.T., Chieftain Print.

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