The revision of the state constitution
--pt. II. City and county government: Home rule for cities, by H. L. McBain. A proposal for a revision of the municipal article, by L. A. Tanzer. Local government and the state constitution, by M. H. Glynn. The city and the state constitution, by J. P. Mitchel. The organization of county government, by G. S. Buck. Regulation of economic and social conditions: Constitutional limitations on governmental powers, by S. McC. Lindsay. The future of the workmen's compensation amendment, by T. I. Parkinson. Labor legislation, by A. I. Elkus. State policy of forest and water-power conservation, by J. G. Agar. Public service commissions and the state constitution, by J. N. Carlisle. Charitable and correctional institutions and public health, by H. Folks. The Constitution and public franchises, by D. F. Wilcox. Report of the meeting. ; pt. I. I. General principles and mechanics of revision: The principles and practice of constitutional revision, by E. Root. The constitution and public opinion, by F. C. Howe. The principle of responsibility in government, by H. L. Stimson. The adaptation of a constitution to the needs of a people, by F. J. Goodnow. The problems of the constitutional convention, by A. Shaw. The procedure and submission of conclusions of the convention, by W. F. Dodd. II. The structure of state government: Woman suffrage, by T. R. Powell. The consent of the governed, by M. Smith. Recent experiences with the initiative, referendum and recall, by C. F. Taylor. Adequate legislative powers under state constitutions, by E. Freund. Participation of the executive in legislation, by E. M. Sait. Constitutional provision for a budget, by F. A. Cleveland. The organization and procedure of the courts, by H. W. Jessup. Constitutional limitations on state fiscal policy, by E. Cawcroft. The civil service clause in the state constitution, by S. H. Ordway. ; Mode of access: Internet.
New York, The Academy of political science
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