Open Access BASE
Summary of major legislative action of the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives [microform]
Reuse of record except for individual research requires license from Congressional Information Service, Inc. ; Description based on: 97th Congress. ; At head of title: Committee print. ; CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 71 H342-1, CIS 72 H342-3, CIS 73 H342-1, CIS 74 H342-3, CIS 75 H342-8, CIS 76 H342-2, CIS 76 H342-10, CIS 78 H342-1, CIS 78 H342-13, CIS 81 H342-2, CIS 82 H342-1, CIS 83 H342-1 (Y4.Ed8/1:L52/983), CIS 83 H342-12 (Y4.Ed8/1:L52/984), CIS 85 H342-1 (Y4.Ed8/1:L52/985) ; Microfiche. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O.
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