Open Access BASE1972

Public hearings on noise abatement and control


Hearings held July 8-Nov. 12, 1971, in various cities. ; v. 1. Construction noise.--v. 2. Manufacturing and transportation noise (highway and air.)--v. 3. Urban planning, architectural design; and noise in the home.--v. 4. Standards and measurement methods, legislation and enforcement problems.--v. 5. Agricultural and recreational use noise.--v. 6. Transportation noise (rail and other). Urban noise problems and social behavior.--v. 7. Physiological and psychological effects.--v. 8. Technology and economics of noise control; National programs and their relations with state and local programs. ; Mode of access: Internet.




Washington, D.C. : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.

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