Open Access BASE1648

A motion propounded to the Committee of Parliament, for redresse of the publique grievances of the kingdome. Desired to be taken into consideration, before they present their reports to the House of Commons. For satisfaction of the kingdome, and setling the people in their just rights, by a firme and lasting peace. / By Neh: Lavvkerry. Janua. 15. 1647. Imprimatur Gilbert Mabbot


[2], 4 [i.e. 6] p. ; Neh Lawkerry is an anagrammatic pseudonym for Henry Walker. ; P. 6 misnumbered 4. ; Annotation on Thomason copy: the "8" in the imprint has been crossed out and replaced with a "7". ; Reproduction of original in the British Library.




Printed at London :: by Robert Ibbitson in Smithfield, neere the Queens-head Tavern,; Ann Arbor, MI; Oxford (UK) :: Text Creation Partnership

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