Open Access BASE1918

Early Closing Order Generally Observed


• The streets of Portland were deserted yesterday afternoon as Mayor Baker's early-closure order went into effect. • "Interpretation of the regulations was found difficult in many cases, but most of the store owners and others were anxious to abide by the spirit of the order designed to put a check to the influenza epidemic."• Vital statistics from the City Health Bureau indicate that influenza may be falling off in Portland. There were 34 deaths (the largest number for any one day) and 175 new cases reported but these statistics cover 48 hours. • To limit confusion, clarification about the early closure order was offered by the Mayor's office. o All pool rooms, card rooms, bowling alleys, cigar stands, and refreshment parlors are to close at 3:30 PM. Clubs should discontinue all attractions at this time as well. o Closing orders do not doctors' offices, dental offices, or other persons who are engaged in medical service or war work. o Grocery stores, meat markets, and drug stores should remain open. o Express and railroad companies close at 3:30 PM and release their office employees then.o The offices of factories, fuel yards, and wholesale establishments close at 3:30 PM. Deliveries may continue beyond 3:30 PM. "Release workers whenever possible, but can clean up day's business with few remaining."• The entire police force and fifty members of the Oregon Military Police were sent out yesterday to explain to citizens the particulars of the order and to enforce the order. • Parrish is planning to send out a flying squadron of schoolteachers to educate the public and to help clean Portland homes in the fight against influenza. Teachers should arrive at 2:30 PM at the council chamber of the City Hall to receive instructions. The plan is entirely dependent on the co-operation of teachers. A large number of the 2,200 teachers are expected to volunteer. Superintendant Grout endorses the plan and so do other school officials. • Health bureau employees will placard all houses where influenza patients are present. No one but the attending physician and those who live in the house will be allowed to enter. • Judge Tucker announced that there will be no more cases set in the Circuit Court until after the epidemic is over. The November jury will not be called. The courts will remain open only for cases where no jury is required for a verdict. In the absence of a jury, there are few persons in the court room and therefore court sessions will continue. • Besides courts, all other county offices will remain open during the usual hours. • Total number of deaths is now 280. The names of the deceased that were not printed earlier are included at the end of the article. ; Newspaper article ; 13

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