Open Access BASE1918

Influenza Responsible For 167 Deaths At Camp


• 3,499 cases reported at Camp Lee• The base hospital is operating five barracks as an annex to care for patients• Instead of one squad room in each barracks been used for the ill, one barrack in each battalion is used for that purpose• Officers and men who have already recovered from the disease are being detailed to medical forces to aid, since officials believe it is impossible for them to again contract influenza in a short period of time 35 soldiers have died of complications in the last 24 hours; 167 have died so far (the death rate steadily increases)• Richmond not likely to quarantine camp, despite suggestions from citizens. A high official in the camp said he thinks enough germs have spread to Richmond, where there are 600 cases to guarantee the epidemic's spread there, though "if Richmond wants to quarantine, she can do it." • Drafted men are no longer moving into the camp, on orders from Washington• The f school at Camp Lee established a quarantine "as rigid as it was possible for military discipline and efficiency to make it," yet influenza is spreading among veterinary students• Water or wet sawdust is being sprinkled over camp floors, to prevent dust ; Newspaper article ; 3

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