Open Access BASE1918

Edict Of Board Ignored


• Rev. William Scholl has services, despite order. Police told the reverend to follow the order, and St. Joseph German Church is closed. • "Billiard parlor patronage cut" to comply with order according to Health Officer Peters.• "Cincinnati passed the most quiet Sabbath Day in its history yesterday."• Rev. William Scholl ignored the order to hold services this morning. • Dignitaries of the Catholic Church protested, along with others, and complaints were filed with the health and police authorities.• Lt. Thomas M. Hall was sent to the church to tell him that the "order must be obeyed." • "Father Hall said he was not interested in the order." • Police stayed on guard at the church, and there were not any other attempts to have mass.• Cars were, for the most part, not on the road.• Some people did spend time outside on Sunday because of the nice weather.• Health Officer Peters said that he did not know yet if the order was working, but felt that the danger of epidemic has decreased because people have followed the order. • Reports from nearby cities indicate that they are taking the same precautionary measures.• Conference of municipal and military authorities in the office of Safety Director Holmes today to "adopt further measures to guard against an epidemic."• Those to attend the conference include: Safety Director Holmes, Health Officer Peters, Superintendent of GH Dr. Walter E. List, Acting Dean of the Medical College Dr. John K. Scudder, and Major Percy of the Students' Army Training Battalion at Univ. Cincinnati.• 60 new cases at GH, 40 of whom were soldier students • 232 total cases at GH, about half are military cases• A pavilion of GH is entirely influenza cases and can only fit 50 more patients• 2 deaths from pneumonia due to influenza at GH early yesterday, first reported at GH since start of spread of disease• Superintendent List said that three soldier students at GH were in critical condition last night, but that most of the cases were "mild."• 20 nurses, 2 interns have influenza, new regulations put in place yesterday to prevent spreading of influenza among nurses, interns• Physicians, nurses, interns must wear masks when they enter a sick ward, regardless of whether the patient has influenza.• All hospital employees must gargle three times a day.• Strict following of no visitors rule, any admitted visitors to critical patients must follow the same precautions as staff.• Dr. List will recommend to Major Perry that they need to immediately find more areas for sick soldiers after GH is full. He will recommend use of the north wing of Music Hall, but this may not be enough.• If a person can be treated at home, Dr. List asks that they not try to get admitted to the hospital since the areas are needed for soldiers and patients only temporarily in the area.• "Dr. List said there is no occasion for undue alarm and that citizens should not permit themselves to be worked up to a high pitch of excitement."• People in Covington that did not know about the order in Kenton, went to church yesterday, but were informed by their pastors to go home.• Saloons, theaters closed, no cars on the street.• Chief of the Covington Fire Dept., Edward Griffith, "flushed…every improved street."• Executive Secretary of the Council of Defense, O. S. Ware, sent copies of resolution to officers in each Community Council of Defense in Kenton County, which stated that they should enforce the order and report all violations to the Executive Council.• Dr. J. R. Johnston points out that currency is often dirty, and people should pay attention to this, "the menace of public health that lies in unclean currency." ; Newspaper article ; 14

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