Open Access BASE1918

Influenza Is To Be History After 12 O'Clock Tonight


• "Influenza in San Antonio is no longer an epidemic—it is history."• Quarantine to be lifted Monday morning• "Generations to come will read in the world's history of the worst epidemic that the world had ever known. School children are destined to read with awe of a catastrophe more terrible in its universality than any of the plagues which have infested the world in years past."• Ban technically lifted midnight on Sunday; business and public meetings and entertainments to resume as usual• Dr. King expressed opinion there would be no danger in lifting the quarantine if people continue exercising caution in personal habits while attending public gatherings• It can be expected that military camps will soon lift their quarantines as well• 7,391 influenza cases reported in San Antonio between Sept. 30 and November 7th• Close to 500 deaths reported during that time, a lower rate of mortality than that experienced by many comparable cities• Dr King: "On behalf of the City of San Antonio and the city Board of Health we wish to thank the citizens of this city for the extreme patience they have shown during the epidemic of the last few weeks, and the merchants, theater proprietors, pastors of the churches, school officials and all others for the hearty co-operation given us in coping with the situation. We have had very few complaints during the entire epidemic, and we certainly appreciate the endorsement of the citizens. .People should not relax their precautions at this time merely because they are allowed to attend public gatherings; in fact, they should be more careful than ever not to expose themselves to the disease. While I believe that the epidemic has about run its course here, there probably will be new cases develop [sic] throughout the winter and the recurrence of an epidemic is not beyond the range of possibilities." ; Newspaper article ; 2-10

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