Open Access BASE2003

Pengaruh cash ratio, loan deposit ratio dan capital asset ratio terhadap profitabilitas bank go public di Indonesia periode amatan th 1995 s/d 1998

In: Mulyono, Margo and Kaimuddin, Nurdin (2003) Pengaruh cash ratio, loan deposit ratio dan capital asset ratio terhadap profitabilitas bank go public di Indonesia periode amatan th 1995 s/d 1998. Jurnal Manajemen, 1 (1). pp. 85-105. ISSN 1693-1718


This study concerns with the recent government policy on banking in term of cash ratio, loan-to-deposit ratio and capital-asset ratio. It is especially aims at analyzing: 1) the correlation between cash ratio, loan-to-deposit ratio and capital-asset ratio on one side and bank profitability in terms ROA on the other; 2) The dominant variable(s) which influence profitability. The unit of analysis of this case in bank stocks traded at the Jakarta Stock Exchange during the period of 1995-1998. Descriptive as well as regression analysis are employed in this study using a five percent confidence level. The result reveal that first, cash ratio, loan-to-deposit ratio, and capital-asset ratio proved to affect ROA significanly. Second, capital-asset ratio does not have strong correlation with ROA. It can be conclused that the underlined variables are significant estimates to the government policy regulating the capital-asset ratio.


Universitas Merdeka Malang

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