Open Access BASE2005

Thoughts on the Future of Integration


The Final Chapter in the book - The Integration of Employee Assistance, Work/Life and Wellness Services. ; Abstract: Thomas Friedman's political analysis of the Lexus and the Olive Tree are used to frame the discussion of the future of integration in the EAP, Work/Life and Wellness field. Many claim that for progress to occur, one needs to understand history. Friedman, however, pushes the reader further to focus on understanding the constant interplay and tension between present day advances and past traditions. This article briefly reviews one of the early attempts at comprehensive benefit services in the United States, Welfare Capitalism as a means to understand the beginnings of some of these endeavors. In addition early research conducted by Lawrence and Lorsch on organizational integration and differentiation are briefly reviewed as a conceptual framework to ground the discussion of future trends in the field of integration. Finally, some closing thoughts are offered that both raise questions on areas requiring further investigation on the topic of integration, as well as a challenge to professionals regarding what role they would like to take regarding the future of these services. ; Full Text

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