Open Access BASE1998

Strategies and tools for speed management on European roads


The aim of the European project MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) is to produce information that can be cited in the preparation of national and EU decisions concerning speed management and standards for speed control equipment. For this purpose, the project seeks answers to three key questions:1) What are acceptable ranges of speeds?2) What are the key factors influencing drivers' choice of speed?3) What are the best speed management tools and strategies?Each of three research areas addresses one of these questions. Area 1 is concerned with developing a basis for appraisal of effects of different levels of speed upon accident occurrence, emissions, noise, vehicle operating costs and travel time. Area 2 provides information on factors that influence drivers speed behaviour with respect to present speed levels and speed management methods in Europe, enforcement levels, motivation and acceptability of driving speeds, and road design and subjective road categorisation. Area 3 reviews various tools for speed management, tests the most promising ones and gives recommendations for implementation of Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) systems. The summary reports from these three work areas provide the main inputs to this paper, which is concerned with making recommendations for speed management strategies and policies. The full results of the project are documented in 26 reports which are listed in the reference section of this paper.

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