Open Access BASE2020

Developing Model Test of Reading Comprehension for Islamic Studies


Abstract: This research is aimed to produce model test of reading comprehension for Islamic Studies which is one of the sections of English Proficiency Test (EPT) in UIN SMH Banten. This is Research and Development (R&D) which employs ADDIE model i.e. Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The data are reading texts which are developed based on Islamic Studies and General Science needed in Islam. The result produces a new model of reading comprehension (third section) of EPT in UIN SMH Banten, i.e. model Test of English (TE)-A, TE-B, TE-C, and TE-D. Each of the model test consists of 50% Islamic Studies and 50% general science needed in Islam. For Islamic Studies consists of seven themes i.e. Al-Qur'an and Hadith Studies, Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Morality (Akhlaq) belief (Tauhid) Mu'amalah, and Siasah. The General Science consists of seven themes i.e. Economy, Law, Linguistics, Education, culture, arts, and politics. The level of difficulty of the texts is standardized into academic reading standard that is usually used in Universities and Colleges.




Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin

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