Printjournalismus in Kambodscha
The following study describes print-journalism in Cambodia regarding journalists in the context of the media system, their cultural and social standards, functions of media system, roles of journalists and political and social structures. The structure of the analysis reflects on "onion model" by Weischenberg. The qualitative study is based on interviews made while accompanying print journalists of native-language and foreign-language in Phnom Penh. An important aspect are effects of Khmer- Rouge-trial on the media system. A main focus is on working-conditions of journalists, freedom of press and its threats like corruption and repression. One of the main findings is the weak role of print journalism in the democratic system. In spite of all positive transformation there is a need to support print journalism in Cambodia during its process of transformation. ; The following study describes print-journalism in Cambodia regarding journalists in the context of the media system, their cultural and social standards, functions of media system, roles of journalists and political and social structures. The structure of the analysis reflects on "onion model" by Weischenberg. The qualitative study is based on interviews made while accompanying print journalists of native-language and foreign-language in Phnom Penh. An important aspect are effects of Khmer- Rouge-trial on the media system. A main focus is on working-conditions of journalists, freedom of press and its threats like corruption and repression. One of the main findings is the weak role of print journalism in the democratic system. In spite of all positive transformation there is a need to support print journalism in Cambodia during its process of transformation.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e. V. (DGA)
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