Open Access BASE2018

Optomagnetic Nanoplatforms for In Situ Controlled Hyperthermia


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ortgies, Dirk H., Teran, Francisco J. Rocha, Uéslen, Cueva, Leonar de la, Salas, Gorka, cabrera, David, Vanetsev, Alexander S., Rähn, Mikhel, Väino,Sammelselg, Orlosvkii, Yurii V. and Jaque, Daneil "Optomagnetic nanoplatforms for in situ controlled hyperthermia" Advances Funtcional Materials 28.11 (2018) which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving." ; Magnetic nanoparticles (M:NPs) are unique agents for in vivo thermal therapies due to their multimodal capacity for efficient heat generation under optical and/or magnetic excitation. Nevertheless, their transfer from laboratory to the clinic is hampered by the absence of thermal feedback and by the influence that external conditions (e.g., agglomeration and biological matrix interactions) have on their heating efficiency. Overcoming these limitations requires, first, the implementation of strategies providing thermal sensing to M:NPs in order to obtain in situ thermal feedback during thermal therapies. At the same time, M:NPs should be modified so that their heating efficiency will be maintained independently of the environment and the added capability for thermometry. In this work, optomagnetic hybrid nanostructures (OMHSs) that simultaneously satisfy these two conditions are presented. Polymeric encapsulation of M:NPs with neodymium-doped nanoparticles results in a hybrid structure capable of subtissue thermal feedback while making the heating efficiency of M:NPs independent of the medium. The potential application of the OMHSs herein developed for fully controlled thermal therapies is demonstrated by an ex vivo endoscope-assisted controlled intracoronary heating experiment ; This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Projects # MAT2016-75362-C3-1-R, # MAT2015-71806-R and # MAT2013-47395-C4-3-R, the Comunidad de Madrid (NANOFRONTMAG-CM, S2013/MIT-2850), and through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III under Project # PI16/00812. This work has also received funding from European Union's H2020 and FP7 programme (NOCANTHER, GA 685795). D.H.O. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for a Juan de la Cierva scholarship (FJCI-2014-21101) and F.J.T. for a Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2011-09617). COST Actions CM1403 and TD1402 (RADIOMAG) are also acknowledged. The synthesis and preliminary testing of the fluorescence properties of the LaF3:Nd(3%) NPs was supported by Project # 16-12-10077 of the Russian Science Foundation. Nonfluorescent characterization of the OMHSs was supported by projects IUT2-24 and IUT20-54 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

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