On a prototype for a new distributed database of volume data obtained by 3D imaging
R. Marabini ; C. Vaquerizo ; Jose J. Fernandez ; Jose Maria Carazo ; M. Ladjadj ; O. Odesanya ; J. Frank, "Prototype for a new distributed database of volume data obtained by 3D imaging"Proc. SPIE 2359, Visualization in Biomedical Computing 1994, 466 (September 9, 1994). Society of Photo‑Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. ; In this communication we present a working prototype of a distributed data base of volume data from different forms of 3D imaging. Examples of 3D information both from electron tomography of biological macromolecules and from medical imaging are already included in this development. This type of structural information is crosslinked, whenever applicable, to other sources of information, such as bibliographies. The solution we present here is sufficiently general to be applicable to data in a number of different fields of biomedical science. ; Supported, in part, by Spanish DGICYT Plan General de PromociOn del Conocimiento, grant number PB91- 0910 (to JMC), by the European Molecular Biology Network (EMBNet, European Union BRIDGE project number BlOT CT-910273) (to JMC), and by the National Science Foundation grant number BIR-9219043 (to JF). We acknowledge discussions on the general issue of 3D data bases with the participants of the 1993 Gordon Conference on 3D Electron Microscopy
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