Open Access BASE2017

Environmental criteria in the Spanish Public Works Procurement Process


1 18 14 2 ; S ; [EN] Green Public Procurement (GPP) is defined as a process of contracting products, services, and works with the least possible damage to the environment during their life cycle. In order to improve the knowledge about GPP, a study of the use of environmental tendering criteria in the Spanish public construction sector has been performed. The results of this study show that the use of environmental criteria in Spanish public sector construction procurement is low in comparison to a certain group of countries, known as Green 7 , in the European Union. Environmental criteria is the fourth criterion in importance, but its weight in the global of the process is much lower than other criteria such as price, memory of the construction process and the delivery time. National administrations use environmental criteria more frequently because they have more resources and staff training about environmental issues. Environmental criteria are more used in the tendering of civil projects and works whose budget exceeds ten million euro due to the environmental impact of these kind and/or size of projects. This paper was funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València and UNED, both of Spain. Fuentes Bargues, JL.; González-Cruz, M.; González-Gaya, C. (2017). Environmental criteria in the Spanish Public Works Procurement Process. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 14(2):1-18. doi:10.3390/ijerph14020204

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