Open Access BASE2003

Analysing French Pension Reforms


International audience In 1982, the French socialist government lead by Pierre Mauroy reduced the legal age of retirement for both men and women. In 1993, the Balladur reform modified the pay-as-you-go basic private scheme. In March 1997, the Parliament enacted the Thomas Act that introduced retirement savings plan, but the law was never enforced because of the political change in June 1997, and was formally abrogated in 2002. Amazingly there seems be a 10 years cycle in French pension system reforms since the French parliament started to examine a new pension reform presented by the French Prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin in June 2003. According to his defender, the project is the most comprehensive and the most ambitious since 1945. Our assessment is more critical: in fact, after a four-month round of negotiations with trade-unions and despite its impressive number of articles (81) the final project is milder than it originally was, with a parametric reform of the first pillar as its main component. This article aims at giving the main features of this reform. The first section presents the context of the reform. The second section is devoted to the main features of the reform, while section 3 gives a critical appraisal, underlines the remaining problems, and raises alternative relevant solutions. ; En 1982, le gouvernement socialiste conduit par Pierre Mauroy réduisait l\'âge légal de départ en retraite. En 1993, la réforme Balladur modifiait un certain nombre de paramètres du régime général de retraite par répartition. En mars 1997, le Parlement adoptait la loi Thomas introduisant des plans d\'épargne retraite, mais la restait lettre morte faute de décret dápplication, pour être formellement abrogée en 2002. Il semble ainsi exister un cycle de 10 ans dans les réformes des systèmes de retraites en France, puisque le Parlement a commencé à examiner un projet de loi de réformes des retraites en juin 2003. Selon son promoteur, le projet est le plus vaste et le plus ambitieux depuis la fin de la deuxième ...

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