Open Access BASE2012

Natural protected areas and dynamics of Pastoralist heritage in Marsabit greater ecosystem (Northern Kenya) : Proceedings. Intermediary report - IFRA Workshop (7-9 November 2012, Nairobi) Natural protected areas and dynamics of Pastoralist heritage in Marsabit greater ecosystem (Northern Kenya) : Proceedings. Intermediary report - IFRA Workshop (7-9 November 2012, Nairobi) : Proceedings of IFRA Workshop (7- 9 November 2012, Nairobi, Kenya) ; Aires naturelles protégées et dynamiques patrimoniales des sociétés pastorales dans l'écoystème de Marsabit (Nord Kenya): Actes


In many Arid and Semi-Arid Lands, the meaning of heritage is often correlated with natural resources on which the livelihoods of the inhabitants depend. Over the last 20 years, Northern Kenya has seen the implementation of various models for protection of natural resources in order to conserve biodiversity and scarce resources (water, soil, pasture, forest). The greater ecosystem of Marsabit county inclusive of the Chalbi desert, comprise various natural protected areas endowed with immense biological diversity and water which support vital ecosystem services and the existing social and political organizations. At the same time, these conservation practices tend to inhibit some vital functionality of the areas protected such as the socio-cultural values and practices (transhumance road, place for trade, land uses.) of pastoralists' livelihood. Through the description of the multi socio-ecological functions of protected areas, the workshop will shed light on the multiple interactions and connectivity between protected areas, anthropo-ecosystem and greater ecosystem. This situation prompts for suggestions to address the interfaces between ecosystems and societies and to better integrate thoughts centered on the sustainability of anthropo-ecosystems, rather than the split between "environmental conservation" and "development".

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