Open Access BASE2020

Context: Nothing goes after the point: The impact of contextual art on the performatic sculptural work A, 2020, ; Contexto: Nada va después del punto : Incidencia del arte contextual en la obra escultórica performática A Ω 2020


This work addresses the artistic production of an art creation project as a shooter of an intermediate collective experience enabling analysis of power relationships by involving the audience in a game that operates through the exercise of debate in favour of public awareness. I intertwined sociology with art studies, suggesting an approach to some notions such as the art of action, and contextual art in the analysis of a performatic sculptural work called A η, which adopts a political position in relation to situations of injustice and social demands. Faculty of Arts ; Se trata del proyecto de una obra artística. ; This work addresses the artistic production of an art creation project as a shooter of an intermediate collective experience enabling analysis of power relationships by involving the audience in a game that operates through the exercise of debate in favour of public awareness. I intertwined sociology with art studies, suggesting an approach to some notions such as the art of action, and contextual art in the analysis of a performatic sculptural work called A η, which adopts a political position in relation to situations of injustice and social demands. Faculty of Arts ; El presente trabajo aborda la producción artística de un proyecto de creación de arte como disparador de una experiencia colectiva intermedial que habilita el análisis sobre las relaciones de poder mediante la participación de la audiencia en un juego que opera a través del ejercicio del debate a favor de la conciencia ciudadana. Entrevé un cruce entre la sociología y los estudios del arte, propone una aproximación hacia algunas nociones como son el arte de acción, y el arte contextual en el análisis de una obra escultórica performática denominada A Ω, que adopta un posicionamiento político en relación a situaciones de injusticia y demandas sociales. Facultad de Artes

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