Open Access BASE2016

Segmentation of the olive-growing market. What policies for regulating the market for olive oil in Algeria? ; La segmentation du marché oléicole. Quelles politiques de régulation du marché d'huile d'olive en Algérie ?


global competition between olive oil producing countries is increasingly intense in the face of increased consumer demands in terms of nutritional quality, product traceability, conditions and manufacturing processes. All these considerations oblige operators and operators in the olive sector to opt for specific governance methods and segmentation strategies. The aim of this work is to analyse the process of segmentation of the olive market in a southern Mediterranean country. After moving through the segmentation strategies developed by some EU countries and varying from one country to another, the focus is on the strategies adopted by the Southern Mediterranean countries. These are led by governments that have administrative management and control procedures in place to comply with international legal rules and standards. ; International audience Global competition between olive oil producing countries is becoming more and more intense in response to growing needs of consumers in terms of nutritional quality, traceability, manufacturing conditions and processes. Therefore, businesses and stakeholders involved in the olive oils sector have to implement specific governance modes and segmentation strategies. The objective of this study is to analyze the olive oil's market segmentation process in a southern Mediterranean country. After analyzing the segmentation strategies applied by some EU countries, and which vary from country to country, emphasis is laid on strategies adopted by southern Mediterranean countries. These strategies are mapped out by the governments which put in place management and monitoring administrative procedures to comply with legal requirements and international standards. ; global competition between olive oil producing countries is increasingly intense in the face of increased consumer demands in terms of nutritional quality, product traceability, conditions and manufacturing processes. All these considerations oblige operators and operators in the olive sector to opt for specific ...

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