Open Access BASE2008

Casual, a new kind of hooligan in the city ; Le Casual, un nouveau genre de hooligan dans la ville


While violence appears to be the main feature of the typification of hooligan compared to other categories of supporters, it is also the passion of football. The hooligan is a passionate supporter who defends the colours of its club and its flag. But passion is not enough to describe it; the hooligan also loves, first and foremost, to fight the other hooligans in order to impose its strength and demonstrate its superiority. Football therefore only becomes a means of asserting its power over others. Although the common discourse has somewhat stigmatised it, it would be wrong to believe that the hooligan draws all its resources from the most disadvantaged people. In the collective imagination conveyed by the media, the view of hooligan is readily that of the young deodeuvred, staggered and coming to the stadium in order to saddle and fight. We believe it is poorly inserted and delinquishing in everyday life. It can be seen with Nazi insignia, adepts of extreme right-wing ideas. Today, this stereotype is no longer entirely topical. Hooligan has changed. He is socially integrated and claims his apolitism. From this point of view, the 'Casual' style is a particularly interesting form of expression to analyse. Casuals' name comes from what he understands 'sport' but also 'smart' (the trade marks). Casual is a hooligan with ordinary appearance but one that grows its difference. It is because he does not want to be confused with supporters that he affects certain brands. A special system emerges from the Casual. It organises a parallel competition with its codes and rules which places at the heart of the action of its members violent acts guaranteeing the group's identity and presenting a characteristic form of male urban violence. ; International audience ; While violence appears to be the main feature of the typification of hooligan compared to other categories of supporters, it is also the passion of football. The hooligan is a passionate supporter who defends the colours of its club and its flag. But passion is not ...

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