Open Access BASE2007

Yes, Mr Vonglis, the state, was he! But which state? ; Oui, Monsieur Vonglis, l'Etat, c'était bien lui ! Mais quel Etat ?


report on the latest book by Professor Bernard Vonglis (historian of law) on the absolute monarchy, its definition, its timing and the problems it raises, together with a critical reflection on the terms of the debate. ; Reflexion about absolutism ; report on the latest book by Professor Bernard Vonglis (historian of law) on the absolute monarchy, its definition, its timing and the problems it raises, together with a critical reflection on the terms of the debate. ; Compte rendu du dernier livre du Professeur Bernard Vonglis (historien du droit) sur la monarchie absolue, sa définition, sa datation et les problèmes qu'elle soulève, accompagné d'une réflexion critique sur les termes du débat.

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