Open Access BASE2016

Territorialisation: A major challenge for the management of local authorities " ; Territorialisation : Un enjeu de taille pour le management des collectivités"


National audience between pooling and forced budgets, local authorities are looking for new forms of management combining quality of service and control of costs. Territorialisation appears to be a particularly effective tool. The Optima Chair provides insights into this community organisation. Pooling schemes, merger of EPCI, financial situation under stress, etc. Local authorities are currently undergoing rapid change. In this context, the establishment of place-based organisations, as close as possible to the ground, is a tool closely studied by some communities. 'In terms of management, the territorialisation of services creates a close link between the territory, users and field teams by giving them more autonomy and breaking down their intervention logic, which proves to be more motivating and more effective', says Laurent Guyon, member of the Optima Chair, Director of Sports of the City of Toulouse and former director of the Toulouse city centre. · The mere taking into account of territories from headquarters: territorialisation is only the territorial part of an essentially sectoral policy. It therefore prevents the problems of a territory from being dealt with in a comprehensive manner. · Light territorialisation with a territorial coordinator: territorial antennae only act as a vehicle for communication and consultation. They manage bottom-up and top-down information. · Integrated territorialisation of decision-making and management of public services: This involves entrusting territorial hubs with real management autonomy and decentralising at this level part of the discussion prior to the definition of public policies. Why territorialise? · As close as possible to citizens ; National audience Entre mutualisations et budgets contraints, les collectivités locales recherchent des nouvelles formes de management alliant qualité de service et maîtrise des coûts. La territorialisation apparait comme un outil particulièrement efficace. La chaire Optima apporte son éclairage sur cette organisation des ...

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