Athermal tuning for a two-section, all-active DBR laser with high-order grating
We incorporate thermal effects for injection currents ranging up to 150 mA in order to model the tuning behavior of a two-section, all-active distributed-Bragg-reflector (DBR),ridge-wave guide semiconductor laser utilized for a single-mode operation. In particular, we investigate wavelength tuning as a function of injected currents within the grating andphase/gain sections of the laser cavity and examine how any athermal lasing conditions may arise. The effect of thermal drift on the resonant wavelength due to a change in refractive index as well as thermal expansion of the laser cavity is included within a traveling wave analysis (TWA). From the TWA, the spatial distribution of gain along the active region of the laser is also derived in order to help describe the tuning behavior for a high-order (37th) grating previously optimized to minimize line width. A comparative analysis with a singlemirrored, active-passive DBR laser is also included. Results show a good agreement withreported experimental data and compare well with the wavelength stability of other laser devices. ; This work was supported in part by the ScienceFoundation of Ireland under Grants 15/IFB/3317, 15/IA/2854, and CONNECT 13/RC/2077; and in partby the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Grant agreement 713567.
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