Open Access BASE2013

Low-Carbon Green Growth in Asia: Policies and Practices


Asia is at a crossroads. As the world's most populous region, with a rising share of global greenhouse gas emissions, and as the region most vulnerable to climate risks, this book recognizes low-carbon green growth is imperative for developing Asia. It reviews low-carbon policy initiatives taken by Asian countries at the national, sectoral, and local levels, while assessing the achievements, identifying the gaps, and examining new opportunities. The volume notes that actions taken by several Asian countries so far have been impressive and replicable and the region's commitment to low-carbon green growth represents a move away from the old economic thinking of "grow first and clean later." However, emerging Asia's carbon emissions remain high and failure to act swiftly could increase mitigation costs by two to five times and lock in a high-carbon footprint for decades to come. Regional cooperation is needed to develop and disseminate cost-effective cleaner technologies, develop green industries, and create jobs. A decision to act together on ten key common issues would quickly make Asia the world's most important test-bed and a role model for the rest of the world in low carbon-green growth. Such actions can also support the proactive participation of Asian countries in global negotiations on climate change.


Work EnvironmentRegulatory EnvironmentsInstitutional Environment AssessmentGlobal EnvironmentEnvironmentally Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmentally Damaging SubsidiesEnvironmental StrategyEnvironmental Sustainability




Asian Development Bank Institute

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