Open Access BASE2021

Hydrogen Sourced from Renewables and Clean Energy: A Feasibility Study of Achieving Large-scale Demonstration ; ERIA Research Project ; 2021, No. 19



In the past 2 years, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) has identified a significant potential for hydrogen energy supply and demand in the East Asian Summit (EAS) region. China is one of the biggest potential producers and consumers of hydrogen energy in the near future (ERIA, 2019). As of May 2021, out of 34 Chinese provincial administrative regions, 18 (plus at least 22 municipal administrations) have published policies to develop hydrogen energy-related industries and infrastructure; this is complemented by 18 relevant policy documents issued by the central government. Among the provincial and municipality administrations, Guangdong province issued the most policies. There are currently over 8,000 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) operating in China, mostly supported by demonstration projects, together with over 80 hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) (IEA, 2021). It is expected that the number of FCEVs will reach 1 million units and HRSs will increase to 1,000 units by 2030 (Li and Kimura, 2021).

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