Open Access BASE2019

ABD Country Operations Business Plan: Viet Nam 2020–2022 ; ADB Country Planning Documents



The country operations business plan (COBP), 2020–2022 for Viet Nam of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) remains consistent with the priorities of the country's Socio-Economic Development Plan, 2016–2020 and ADB's support to its implementation under the country partnership strategy (CPS), 2016–2020. The CPS aims at fostering more inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth through promoting job creation and competitiveness, increasing inclusive infrastructure and service delivery, and improving environmental sustainability and climate change resilience. The CPS priorities remain valid until a new CPS is prepared. This COBP also (i) incorporates relevant elements of ADB's Strategy 2030;2 and (ii) takes into account the recent increase in public debt3 and the government's response by imposing stricter conditions for the use of official development assistance. As of 31 December 2018, the active Viet Nam lending portfolio comprised 62 loans totaling $7.58 billion, with a net effective amount of $7.04 billion. Cumulative contract awards totaled $4.18 billion and cumulative disbursements $3.29 billion. The active portfolio consists of loans in transport (49.7%); water and other urban infrastructure and services (14.0%); agriculture, natural resources, and rural development (11.3%); energy (8.6%); education (8.6%), finance and public sector management (3.6%); health and social protection (3.6%); and industry and trade (0.6%).

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