Open Access BASE2020

Pacific Renewable Energy Program Annual Report April–December 2019



The Pacific Renewable Energy Program (Program) provides an umbrella facility of up to $100,000,000 of financing support, including loans, guarantees, and letters of credit, to overcome the constraints to private sector investment in renewable energy projects in island countries. The Program was jointly developed by ADB's Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD) and the Pacific Department (PARD). PSOD oversees implementation, monitors the progress of the portfolio, and prepares periodic program progress reports to development partners as required. This is the first annual progress report covering the first 8 months from the approval of the Program on 23 April 2019 to 31 December 2019.


Alternative energyAlternative energy developmentPhotovoltaic EnergyGeothermal EnergyUrban Development FinanceTrade FinanceSmall Business FinanceRural Finance




Asian Development Bank

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