Open Access BASE1921

Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. Series 2, Volume 2. ; The War of the Rebellion: Navy Records


Records of the War of the Rebellion include copies of naval correspondence (reports, letters, telegrams, and general orders) from both the Union and Confederate Navies discussing their operations. According to the introduction in the first volume, the second series contains "reports, orders, and correspondence relating to -- 1. The condition of the Union Navy in 1861, before the commencement of hostilities, and to its increase during the progress of the war, including the annual and special reports of the Secretary of the Navy and chiefs of the various bureaus. 2. The construction and outfit of the Confederate Navy, including privateers, setting forth also the annual and special reports of the Confederate Secretary of the Navy and chiefs of bureaus. 3. Statistical data of all vessels, Union and Confederate, as far as can be obtained. 4. Returns of naval and military property captured by the navies of both sides during the war. 5. Correspondence relating to naval prisoners" (p. x). Index starts on page 823.

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