Open Access BASE2020

Аналіз змін в структурі експортних послуг України ; Analysis of changes in the structure of exports of Ukrainian services


UK: Розуміючи важливість розширення можливостей України щодо здійснення торговельних опера-цій на міжнародних ринках, у статті на основі аналізу кількісних показників експортних галузей у довгостроковому періоді, виявлено позитивні та негативні для країни структурні зрушення у зовнішній торгівлі, розглянуто ступень залучення держави в міжнародні торговельні відносини та зміну пріоритетів при виборі предмета торгівлі. EN: Understanding the importance of expanding Ukraine's capabilities to trade in international markets, the article based on the analysis of quantitative indicators of export industries in the long run, identified positive and nega-tive structural changes in foreign trade, considered the degree of state involvement in international trade and changing priorities. choosing the subject of trade.Today, Ukraine prefers to export raw materials and semifinished products with a low level of processing, which is far from a positive feature of foreign trade. The ABC analysis made it possible to identify changes in the dynamics of Ukraine's foreign trade. In order to make the state of Ukraine's exports of services more visible, the authors applied the principle formulated by the Italian economist Wilfredo Pareto, the essence of which is that all studied phenomena are divided into three groups: A, B and C. This allowed to show more clearly the changes in export industries of Ukraine for the last ten years. Thus, the services of group "A" are targeted, and require maximum attention to their provision and sale for export. In group "A" in 2018. included computer services that rose from group "C". From group "E" to "B" passed information services, which are a promising modern direction. Group C is made up of less valuable export services, but the changes that have taken place need to be taken into account: this group of group B includes travelrelated services, which is not a positive trend in terms of inbound tourism development. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that given the priority of the state to increase the domestic economy, increase the welfare of the population, the issue of international trade is one of the tools of government policy in addressing these issues.

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