Open Access BASE2015

Питання освіти в мережевому середовищі: до питання про громадські впливи ; Education in a Networked Environment: the Issue of Social Impact


Метою статті є аналіз громадських впливів у системі формування наукових змістів освіти та основних якостей їх взаємодії на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства. Основними методами дослідження були загальнонаукові методи (аналіз джерельного матеріалу дослідження, узагальнення й інтерпретація отриманих результатів), що дали можливість визначити механізми впливів на формування змісту освіти вчителів. А також систему каналів соціальних мереж, за якими відбуваються вплив громадськості на поліпшення якості взаємодії освіти й суспільства. ; The article shows the analysis of social influence in the system of scientific content in the education of teachers and basic qualities of interaction at the present stage of education. The main method of research is general scientific methods (analysis of source materials of research, synthesis and interpretation of the results), which made it possible to determine the problems of impact on the formation of educational content of the teachers. Overall, the analysis led to the following conclusions. The development of a model of socio-cultural influences of the public will provide a constructive opportunity to measure objectively and more meaningful the quality of education. Society as a community is constantly changing and evolving and makes its inquiries into the curriculum, according to the leading vectors of social flowering. Also, the society as a community must organize and ensure the equality of conditions for the full realization of abilities of each person, the widest disclosure of his talent, all-round development and satisfaction of his universal spiritual values and a comprehensive, organic connection with national culture and history. The problem is that the content of education always lags behind the demands of society – community. So we have absolute contradiction between permanent, standardized legal framework curriculum (including pedagogical) and the rapid development of the system of public inquiries to education. Every citizen of the state has the right to education at public expense. Transparency in public relations education is one of the conditions of a democratic society. This in reality means the direct participation of all members of educational and pedagogical processes in the system of influences on the content and quality of the educational process. Quick purposeful processes of the development of the society make it priority to transfer system of knowledge accumulated by mankind cultural practices and social values, which is the direct task of education. The system of education itself as defined by National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine remains a priority. In connection with that there is natural strengthening of public influence on educational processes.

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