Crucial Considerations in One-to-One Computing in Developing Countries
One-to-one computing has lately become one of the buzzwords in the educational technology initiatives in developing countries. Various versions of one-to-one computing have recently been implemented around the developing world. Governments and educational organizations have often felt a pressure to acquire new technology as an effort to leapfrog development, but this has in most cases been done without any deeper analysis of the complete framework that successful one-to-one computing initiatives require. A number of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) projects have subscribed to the view that one-to-one computing should not delve into non-technical areas like teacher training, curriculum development, or content development. We, however, consider the non-technical issues to be of great importance for the success of computer-enhanced learning in primary schools. This paper presents and analyzes nine crucial and often neglected considerations for successfully implementing one-to-one computing initiatives: a pedagogical framework, teacher training, a support model, content in local languages, adaptation to local conditions, parental agreement and support, monitoring and evaluation, administrative support, and sustainability. We disagree with the view that one-to-one computing is only about leveraging the children themselves. By properly considering our nine propositions, one–to–one computing initiatives can increase their positive impacts in primary schools in developing regions.
Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap; Tumaini University, ,; University of Eastern Finland, , School of Computing; Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)
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