Open Access BASE2022

Dear Beloved Reader : 30% seminar lecture


My 30% seminar is divided in 7 chapters. 1. Labour of access 2. Restricted by law 3. Genealogical imagination 4. We are cyborgs 5. Plur1verse of genres 6. Disclosure 7. Future plans I have been conducting a series of experiments that all relate to finding ways to re-enact and re-enable an experience of the past in the present and into the future; excavating methods to repeat fragments of history whose importance might not have been fully understood or acknowledged. The seminar goes along the politics of access to the archive(s), artistic research strategies used, and the proposed ongoing works. I will be discussing with Jyoti Mistry (Professor of Film, Photography and Literary Composition Unit at the HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design, Gothenburg).

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