Open Access BASE2012

Déterminants et motivations des personnels des armées dans leur choix de consulter un médecin généraliste civil ou militaire et vision du rôle du médecin militaire - étude auprès de 745 militaires exerçant en Île-de-France


Objective: identifying military personnels' criteria of preference for civilian or military physician as regular doctor and expectations toward the military physician. Method: prospective descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 745 militaries with a self-administrated questionnaire. Results: if 69,9% of the sample appoint a civilian practitioner as their regular doctor, 65,6% think that military physicians should be able to carry out this mission. 80,8% think determining abilities and treatment are compatible. During the past year, 20,2% of the sample preferred consulting the military doctor, 23,1% used to consult him by opportunity but preferred a civilian physician. The rate of the sample preferring a military physician increases with rank, seniority and participation in external operations, particularly because of his knowledge of working conditions. Soldiers, corporals and recently enrolled militaries are suspicious of the military physician because they think that a conflict of interest exists between different missions: treatment, notifications about abilities and advisor to the command, thus inducing difficult care relationship. For patients, the military physician must be a general practitioner who knows emergency and military injuries specificities. He has to be humane and must have an officer's behaviour. Conclusion: 38,2% of the sample claim to consult military doctor for treatment. A suspicious population exists because of ignorance about the military physician's competence and the kind of information he transfers to the command. This questions the respect of medical secret. ; Objectifs : connaître les déterminants permettant aux militaires de s'orienter vers un praticien civil ou militaire en médecine générale et leurs attentes envers ce dernier. Méthode : étude transversale descriptive prospective réalisée auprès de 745 militaires à l'aide d'un auto-questionnaire. Résultats : 69,9 % de l'échantillon ont déclaré un médecin traitant civil et 65,6 % estiment que le médecin d'unité doit jouer ...

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