Implementing referral to an electronic alcohol brief advice website in primary healthcare: results from the ODHIN implementation trial
Alcohol screening; Brief intervention; Referral to electronic brief advice ; Detección de alcohol; Intervención breve; Remisión a asesoramiento breve electrónico ; Detecció d'alcoholèmia; Intervenció breu; Derivació a assessorament breu electrònic ; Objectives: The objective of the present study was toexplore whether the possibility of offering facilitatedaccess to an alcohol electronic brief intervention (eBI) instead of delivering brief face-to-face advice increasedthe proportion of consulting adults who were screenedand given brief advice. Design: The study was a 12-week implementationstudy. Sixty primary healthcare units (PHCUs) in 5 jurisdictions (Catalonia, England, the Netherlands,Poland and Sweden) were asked to screen adults whoattended the PHCU for risky drinking. Setting: A total of 120 primary healthcare centresfrom 5 jurisdictions in Europe. Participants: 746 individual providers (generalpractitioners, nurses or other professionals)participated in the study. Primary outcome: Change in the proportion ofpatients screened and referred to eBI comparing abaseline 4-week preimplementation period with a12-week implementation period. Results: The possibility of referring patients to the eBIwas not found to be associated with any increase in theproportion of patients screened. However, it wasassociated with an increase in the proportion of screen-positive patients receiving brief advice from 70% to 80% for the screen-positive sample as a whole(p<0.05), mainly driven by a significant increase in briefintervention rates in England from 87% to 96%(p<0.01). The study indicated that staff displayed a lowlevel of engagement in this new technology. Staffcontinued to offer face-to-face advice to a largerproportion of patients (54%) than referral to eBI (38%). In addition, low engagement was seen among thereferred patients; on average, 18% of the patientslogged on to the website with a mean log-on rate acrossthe different countries between 0.58% and 36.95%. Conclusions: Referral to eBI takes nearly as muchtime as brief oral advice and might require moreintroduction and training before staff are comfortablewith referring to eBI ; The research leading to these results or outcomes has receivedfunding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme forResearch, Technological Development and Demonstration under grantagreement no. 259268—Optimizing Delivery of Health Care Interventions(ODHIN).
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