Open Access BASE2013

The French Spring of la Manif pour tous: Conservative Protests against Same-Sex Marriage and Adoption in France


First lines: On September 14th and 15th 2013, la Manif pour tous, a French protest group fighting against same-sex marriage, organized a summer school near Paris to celebrate a year of mobilization against the Taubira law. This law, named after the French Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira, passed in April 2013, legalizing same-sex marriage and the adoption of children by same-sex married couples. In August, le Printemps français, another group protesting against the law, had also organized a summer school, which lasted a week and took place in a castle in the countryside. The summer schools were opportunities to take stock of the protests organized for the past year, but also to plan new offensives against the socialist government and its projects dealing with family and education. These groups' new bêtes noires are now the extension of medically assisted procreation to lesbian couples - which was excluded from the Taubira law but is demanded by LGBT groups - and what conservative groups call 'gender ideology', especially at school. These conservative groups denounce the promotion of sex and sexual undifferentiation leading to the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism and queerness.

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