Open Access BASE1982

1981 census of nursing home type patients


Statistical series no.3 ; Summary Statistics 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope and Coverage 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Literature Review 1.3.1 South Australia 1.3.2 Victoria 1.3.3 New South Wales 1.4 Definitions 1.4.1 Nursing Homes 1.4.2 Hospitals 1.5 Geographic Regions 1.5.1 Sectors 1.5.2 CURB Regions 1.5.3 Local Government Areas 2. RESEARCH METHOD 2.1 Consultation With Other Personnel 2.2 Mailing List 2.3 Questionnaire 3. RESULTS 3.1 Participating Institutions 3.1.1 Nursing Homes 3.1.2 Private Hospitals 3.1.3 Recognised Hospitals 3.2 Persons Included i n the Census 3.2.1 Age Characteristics 3.2.2 Sex Characteristics 3.2.3 Country of Birth 3.2.4 Location of Previous Residence 3.2.5 Length of Stay 3.2.6 Type of Previous Accommodation 3.2.7 Location of Next of Kin 3.2.8 Referral to Present Nursing Home 3.2.9 Type of Care 3.2.10 Assessment of Mental State 3.3 Nursing Home Bed Occupancy 4. BIBLIOGRAPHY 5. APPENDICES 5.1 Nursing Home Census Questionnaire 5.2 Circular to Nursing Homes and Hospitals 5.3 List of Participating Nursing Homes and Hospitals


South Australian Health Commission

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