Open Access BASE2019

Possibilities and bottlenecks for implementing slurry acidification techniques in Russian and Belarus



This report: summarizes expert judgements on how slurry acidification technologies (SATs) could be implemented in Belarus and North West Russia. Special focus on bottlenecks for implementing SATs with existing manure management systems was considered. In Belarus and North West Russia, a smaller proportion of manure is handled as slurry compared to EU Baltic Sea countries, but this might be due to the high poultry production in Russia since most poultry manure is solid. None the less, SATs are currently only available for slurry manure handling systems and not for solid or semi-solid manure. Regarding the current systems used in Russia and Belarus some SATs may be easier to implement than others. For instance, due to health issues, farms do not store manure under animal houses. Further studies related to the legislation are needed to reveal if this factor is a potential bottleneck for the in-house SAT. In-storage SATs, both long term and just before spreading should be possible to implement based on the current handling practices, even in Belarus where lagoons are very commons to store slurry. In-field SATs also have a good potential for implementation, but it is worth mentioning that machine contractors in agriculture are nearly non-existent in these two countries and equipment is usually owned by each farm. More information concerning economics and environmental impacts as well as safety issues related to acid handling are still needed to fully understand the implementation potential of SATs in Belarus and Russia.

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