Open Access BASE1843

Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Twenty-Eighth Congress ; 28th Congress, First Session: Document No. 2 [House of Representatives, Executive]


President Tyler talks about the state of the union including the annexation of Texas and protests by the Mexican government regarding annexation ; The U.S. Serial set is a specially bound, consecutively numbered version of all House and Senate reports and documents. Many of the government documents in the Americas archive come originally from the U.S. Serial set, although were bound together at some later point into the collection that is now represented in this collection.


United States. President (1841-1845 : Tyler)Presidents--United States--MessagesUnited States--Foreign relations--Great BritainGreat Britain--Foreign relations--United StatesOregon--BoundariesSlave trade--AfricaSlave ships--United StatesSeizure of vessels and cargoes




Rice University

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