Open Access BASE2019

The European Landscape Agreement and Spain ; La Convención Europea del Paisaje y su aplicación en España


The paper underlines that although the concept of environmental landscape is being granted more and more attention, this has not led to funding for the correcting of the progressive deterioration, of the landscape as such. Though often mentioned within legislation, there is not as yet very much of a legal definition of what is to be understood by the term and it is here felt that by giving landscape a certain legal entity much would have been done towards its protection and promotion. The European Landscape Agreement recently approved by the Council of Europe and subscribed to by Spain is here felt to be a first step in the right direction. The paper suggest ways in which landscape could be systematically contemplated within such policies as might touch upon it, by which it could be made clear who should be held responsible for its well-being and through which it could find its proper place within the factors proper to territorial organisation. ; En Europa los paisajes están siendo valorados por la sociedad de forma creciente pero, al mismotiempo, padecen una degradación progresiva frente a la cual no se disponen de los medios necesarios paracorregirla. El paisaje es un hecho frecuentemente citado en las leyes que, paradójicamente, permanece comoconcepto jurídicamente indeterminado; la protección y mejora de los paisajes debe empezar proporcionándolessuficiente cobertura legal. La Convención Europea del Paisaje, aprobada recientemente por el Consejode Europa y suscrita por España, puede representar un buen punto de partida para ello. En este artículose propone la consideración sistemática del paisaje en las políticas que inciden en él, la clarificacióncompetencial de su tratamiento y su inserción metodológica en los instrumentos de ordenación del territorio.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana.

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