Open Access BASE2016

Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej Vol. 51 no 2 (2016), Special Issue ; Issues of land reform and Poland's post-war borders in the broadcasts of Tadeusz Kościuszko Radio Station


Between 1941 and 1942, one general radio station, and 16 secret foreign-language (national) stations operated from Soviet territory; among them was the Polish--language Tadeusz Kościuszko Radio Station, which began operations in August 1941, andfunctioned until 22 August 1944. According to the broadcasters, the land reform should consistin expropriating the owners of large landholdings, and distributing their possessions amongpeasants and farm labourers. As regards the Poland's future borders, the broadcasters presentedthe position of their political superiors, according to whom the eastern voivodeships of the PolishRepublic should be transferred to the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian Soviet Republics. ; p.87-116 ; Summary in English and Russian. ; Between 1941 and 1942, one general radio station, and 16 secret foreign-language (national) stations operated from Soviet territory; among them was the Polish--language Tadeusz Kościuszko Radio Station, which began operations in August 1941, andfunctioned until 22 August 1944. According to the broadcasters, the land reform should consistin expropriating the owners of large landholdings, and distributing their possessions amongpeasants and farm labourers. As regards the Poland's future borders, the broadcasters presentedthe position of their political superiors, according to whom the eastern voivodeships of the PolishRepublic should be transferred to the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian Soviet Republics. ; s. 87-116 ; Streszcz. ang., ros.

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