Open Access BASE2017

Enhancing NDPB accountability: improving relationships with upward and downward stakeholders

In: Connolly , C , Martin , G & Wall , A 2017 , ' Enhancing NDPB accountability: improving relationships with upward and downward stakeholders ' , Public Management Review .


This paper examines the relationship between Northern Ireland Non-departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) and two key stakeholders, sponsoring government departments and service users, and outlines how this relationship can impact upon a NDPB discharging its accountability responsibilities effectively. After discussing the concept of accountability, the paper presents the findings of a survey of, and interviews with, NDPB board members. Whilst the consensus was that NDPBs were effective in discharging accountability, there was frustration with an apparent absence of an arms' length relationship with certain sponsoring departments and limited engagement with service users.

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