Open Access BASE2022

Inequalities in Trust Levels and Compliance With Physical Distancing During COVID-19 Outbreaks: Comparing the Arab Minority and Jewish Populations in Israel


Objectives: This study explores associations between trust in directives and compliance with physical distancing by comparing two populations in Israel. Methods: Following two lockdowns, we conducted two cross-sectional surveys among the Arab minority and Jewish citizens of Israel (first survey, N = 613; second survey, N = 542). We conducted multivariable logistic regression analyses for the association between trust and compliance with physical distancing separately for each group in each survey. Results: In both surveys trust levels were significantly lower among Arabs than Jews (p < 0.001). Compared to Jews, Arabs were less likely to report compliance with physical distancing in the first and second surveys (OR = 0.52, 95% CI 0.32–0.84 and OR = 0.62, 95% CI 0.39–0.98, respectively). In both surveys trusting the directives was an important determinant of compliance with physical distancing among Jews only. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that momentum is important in building and maintaining public trust and compliance during pandemics. Policymakers should note the lack of trust among Arabs, which warrants further research and interventions.




Frontiers Media S.A.



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