Open Access BASE2020

The National Commission for Allied and Health Care Professions Bill 2020: Implications for Occupational Therapists and the AIOTA


The new National Commission for Allied and Health Care professions (NCAHCP) bill 2020 is introduced by the Government of India on September 15, 2020, to streamline the cadres in the country for allied and health-care professions within its health systems for the greater public good. It is very pertinent to understand the implications of the NCAHCP bill for All India Occupational therapists Association (AIOTA) and occupational therapists in India. The implications for AIOTA are (1) development of state councils and enabling their functioning in all the states of India, (2) radical revision of the OT curriculum incorporating policies and programs of the Indian health system, and (3) developing and strengthening the existing systems for OT practice. For occupational therapists, the implications are (1) registering to independently practice OT in India and (2) documenting professional practice for ethical integrity. Forming an advisory board to develop strategies for a smooth transition to the opportunities that the NCAHCP bill provides, must hold the top-most priority for AIOTA.

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