Open Access BASE2019

Scrub typhus strikes back: Are we ready?


Scrub typhus has struck back, albeit with renewed vigour, impacting areas with previously known endemicity as also impressing newer expanses. It is not surprising, therefore, that Scrub typhus has emerged as a leading cause of public health concern globally as well as in India, but are we ready to take on the challenge? Over the last decade, there has been a global increase in the number of outbreaks of Scrub typhus, be it the military occupied areas or the civil population at large. The innumerable outbreaks of Scrub typhus, although disconcerting, have nonetheless contributed phenomenally towards better understanding of the dynamics of scrub typhus. There have been significant contributions to awareness of the disease amongst medical professionals, scrub typhus as a cause of Acute Undifferentiated Febrile Illness (AUFI) and newer clinical manifestation – Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES), availability and advances in diagnostics and management, man-vector-pathogen interactions, new records of Leptotrombidium species, newer vectors and Orientia species. Antigenic diversity and the varied clinical presentation of scrub typhus, absence of scrub typhus surveillance system and a lack of political will to recognize the disease as one of the important reemerging public health problem are areas seeking concerted deliberations and actions so that the challenges posed by scrub typhus can be addressed.

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